Creatures Of The Deep

AI art
355.7 million parameters
Have you ever wondered what happens when a machine dreams about the abyss?
This video was created for the #WorldOceansDay (8th of June), a day dedicated to our oceans. More than a data artwork, it seems like a nice introduction the wonderful world of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and state-of-the-art in the field of machine learning.
Check it out on Youtube in very high quality (4K, 60 FPS).
To act as a description of the piece, I used another AI which generated the following text:
Creatures of the deep are not always as good as we would like them to be. Their powers are sometimes dangerous and unpredictable , but they are just as capable of protecting the things that matter to them as we are.
A deep-sea animal’s power is measured by its strength and intelligence, which are both determined by its biology.

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